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net cost中文是什么意思

用"net cost"造句"net cost"怎么读"net cost" in a sentence


  • 净成本;成本净额;费用净额
  • 净价


  • This increased yield will reduce still further the net cost increase .
  • The measure of the net cost of a tariff depends critically on the estimate of the amount of imports it discourages .
  • Discussion on power project budget base estimate the value of total 183 ; net cost seperation determine
    基于量183 ;价分离确定电力工程预算的探讨
  • Airlines around the world estimate that , on average , it costs about $ 8 to process a ticket . the same transaction on the net costs only $ 1
  • From the practical effect , this production has low net cost , but it has good performance . the system of this instrument is flexile and it can be expanded
  • Given that the additional anti - warming steps that might be taken aren ' t yet known ? and so their net costs are impossible to state ? it is premature to dismiss them as “ phenomenally more expensive
  • She gave technical assessment of the project , presented calculation data of thermal power production net cost by solar greenhouse and the greenhouse using traditional fuel coal , and discussed annual technical and economic benefit of the solar greenhouse and its consumer market
  • The contribution of unique records to the database has been a means of bringing in revenue to the libraries , and given the severe budget cuts it has faced , has been a way of reducing net costs , and in some cases , of paying completely for some of the many services they offer their users
  • The contribution of unique records to the database has been a means of bringing in revenue to the libraries , and given the severe budget cuts it has faced , has been a way of reducing net costs , and in some cases , of paying completely for some of the many services they offer their users
  • In the condition of perfect capital market , firm s average net cost is a definite quanity . namely , power and profit net cost of no liability firm . it is no relation to capital structure . but power and profit net cost of liability firm shareholder is added with liability rate improved . so firm value is no relation to capital structure ; firm value depends only on firm ' s future surplus . the more future surplus is , the more firm ' value is ; the less future surplus is , the less firm ' s value is
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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